Laughter Is Good For Your Health

laughter is good for your health

“Laughter is the best medicine.” That old quote is actually true. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.

laughter is the best medicine

Laughing is fun, it’s free and it has healthy benefits.

It’s easy to add more laughter into your life.
Here are some good ways to do it…

  • Smile
    It’s easier to start laughing when you’re already smiling. Make it a daily habit to relax your face with a subtle smile. You’ll end up boosting your mood, which helps you notice things that naturally keep that smile going.

  • Look At Something Funny
    Depending on what appeals to your personal taste, you’ll be able to find funny movies, TV sitcoms, comedy shows, cartoons, or whatever it is that generates a laugh.

  • Look For The Humor In Common Situations
    Try to maintain a cheerful outlook day in and day out. Pay attention to your surroundings and notice unexpected and/or unusual things. Often, it’s the little things that bring a smile to your face.

  • Lighten Up On Yourself
    If you tend to take yourself too seriously, learn to lighten up. Practice forgiving yourself when you make an error. We all have a personal quirk or two (odd habits or idiosyncrasies) and it’s good to learn to poke fun at your quirks, as long as you’re not too hard on yourself.

  • It’s Okay To Be Silly Sometimes
    If you have young children, join in their games once in a while. Make up silly stories for the kids. Play with your pet the way you would if you were 10 years old. We’re talking about being child-like, not childish (there’s a big difference). Place a whimsical decoration or wind-up toy on your desk if you’re allowed to have small personal items at work.

  • Share A Laugh With Others
    It’s good to laugh with others. Notice we said laugh WITH others, not at others. On a work break or at a social event, hang out with those that have a good sense of humor. When you hear a funny story, share it with your spouse when you get the chance.

  • Humor Is Important On Stressful Days
    It becomes even more important to be able to smile and laugh during the tough days. Take a moment to think of something that amuses you. You can do this and still act responsibly and maintain respect for the situation and others that might be involved. Another thing that helps on stressful days is to remind yourself that you were able to get through tough times in the past and you can do it now.

Smiling and laughing helps you to enrich your life by relieving stress and brightening your outlook. Laughter is good for you and those around you, so share it often.

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